Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Yesterday was my consultation for the islet cell transplant. I will admit I was very nervous going in. I was not sure what exactly to expect. I was meeting with the research nurse and one of the transplant surgeons. I was so relieved with how the entire meeting went. It could not have gone any better. All of my questions were answered and I found out even more wonderful things about this trial. The surgeon was great about explaining things very clearly. He talked about risks and what has gone on with other patients. He covered what all my options are. I feel so comfortable and informed about this process. I am truly blessed to have the opportunity to go through this. We went over the consent form and I was sent home with a copy to go over with my family and make sure this is what I want to do. Jeremy and I feel like this is absolutely the road we want to take. We will be going in next week to sign consent and start my medical evaluation. It was two pages of tests! So I will be spreading that out over a few weeks. If my medical evaluation is clear then the committee reviews my chart to make sure everything is in order and then I go on the transplant list! I want to thank my friends and family who have already been so supportive about this process. I could not go through this without support. No matter how this process turns out, if I make it to the transplant or not, I am truly thankful for all the great people who have helped me get this far!

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